

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

the opinions about tugu tani's tragedy

Now, the fact that bad has happened, Which human power can withstand the power of destiny and God. Blood was splattered on the street, no more tears left, soul loved ones had also quietly at his side, the almighty creator, the true owner of our souls. Maybe they already are in peace and comfort in the abundance of love of Allah.

So, What about the actors, Afriani Susanti. He personally through his family has submitted a statement expressing apology addressed to the families of the victims who died because of his actions drive a vehicle in a state of drug influence. Maybe we said, Ask forgiveness is easy. Many people react with anger seasoning. In my opinion, without intending to minimize pain and suffering of the victims, if we as people who watch and know alone, no need to pollute us with curses and insults, that would make us sin in God's eyes.

If we look at the language of religion, But it would be noble and good consequences if she forgave him. L Allah said:

"The recompense for an evil is similar crimes. Whoever forgives and then the reward for doing good (dependents) of God. Surely He loves not the wrongdoers. "(Ash-Shura: 40)

This paragraph states that there are three levels of retaliation: 
    First: Fair, which is similar to retaliate evil with evil, without adding or reducing. For example, people returned to life, limb by limb is worth, and the property is replaced with a sebanding.1
     Second: The glory, that is to forgive people who do bad to him when it feels there is an improvement for people who do bad. Emphasized in forgiveness, and led to an improvement of the beneficiaries are. If one does not deserve to be forgiven and that beneficiaries are demanding to be punished according to Sharia, then under such conditions is not recommended to be forgiven.
     Third: the tyrant to do evil to the people and reply to those who do evil with a vengeance in excess of wickedness.
so, forgive is better than revenge .